“The Almighty Sometimes” by Kendall Feaver.
12th to 29th October. Thursdays to Saturdays at 7.30pm & Sundays at 5pm.
The first production to open Mullumbimby’s newly upgraded Drill Hall Theatre from 12 October is “The Almighty Sometimes”.
This brilliant, thought-provoking and, in many ways, funny play is about mental health and the medication of children.
Anna at 18 is a typical teenager: she wants to explore her creativity as a writer and get to know her first boyfriend, Oliver. But she has taken psychiatric medication since she was eleven. Now she wants to explore a life beyond the dulling effect of pills.
Since early childhood she has been under the treatment of a psychiatrist, Vivienne. She understands Anna’s desire to live without medication but knows the risks of unsupported withdrawal.
Her mother, Renée is determined to protect her.
Now, a young woman, Anna wants to know what life would really be like without the dulling effect of medication. Would everything be more real, exciting, fulfilling, and enjoyable?
Her treatment is no longer her mother’s decision and no one, her psychiatrist included can compel her to stay medicated.
This is a funny and brilliantly observed piece about autonomy, mental health, and the medication of children. This play will guarantee playwright Kendall Feaver‘s place as one of Australia’s new generation of great writers.
Directed by Liz Chance with a talented and engaging cast, this play is well worth seeing.
Winner Judges’ Award in the prestigious Bruntwood Prize for Playwriting (UK)
Winner NSW Premier’s Literary Award, 2019 Winner Victorian Premier’s Literary Award, 2019
This show deals with mental illness and may be confronting for some.
24-hour NSW Mental Health Line: 1800 011 511
Lifeline: 13 11 14